Saturday, October 9, 2010

Deciding to Blog

A couple of days ago, I clicked on this random little ad on the side of Face book.   That page then led me to another lady's page which had to do with recipes and her craft supplies being used by other people.  After reading a few of her blogs, I decided this is a great idea for me to be able to remember all the things that I often forget.  Great to post all the things that I love to create and write about them.  All the funny things that my kids do and that my fibromyalgia let's me forget.  Most of all, the ways that the Holy Spirit is able to teach me God's grace and mercy daily and how by him we are Set Free.

Today, I was busy with the kids most of the day.  Baseball this morning with my youngest, then took my friend Robin to pick up her car from a friends auto repair shop, took the youngest to get a haircut and then back home.  Picked up my darling daughter to get a haircut she has been bugging for a while to get bangs again which did look good when she felt like learning to style her bangs around her calic (spelling), first we tried the local Fantastic sam's until the girl working kept telling everyone that came in or was waiting it would be 20 minutes then decided to go to the place a few doors down Hair Elegance.  This place seems nice all different kinds of stylists with all different kinds of their own looks.  Her hair came out great and she was happy all and all it was a good day.  The low part is my husband being in such pain from his hernia surgery and just not his happy self at all.