Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Special Delivery to add to my Ephemera collection



Tonight my best friend Robin came by the house and brought me this bag of samples that she is done with. She is a gift sales rep. This bag has decorative paper plates, trays and beautiful napkins which as you can see in the picture below there are flowers, birds, hearts, dinosaurs, and much more.   I am so excited to start cropping them up pasting them onto some canvas!  I saw a great idea on Pinterest.com that showed copper pipes with art work and epoxy made into pendants which really sparked my interest in exploring new mediums.  I have three drawers in an antiques chest of drawers that Robin gave me of greeting cards, so I really am excited to get busy hopefully once I get done with tax season I can focus on playing with all my stuff.  I should be done within the week and ready to see the the CPA and get the personal and corporations taxes done.


My Mixed Media Art Journal

I decided to create this journal after being inspired to follow my dreams and to create.  I used my Cricut to create most of the front cover other than a few things that I did draw. There is glitter, hearts, birds, butterflies,stars, and words to inspire me to continue.

IMG_6905                           IMG_6908

Inside I wrote a note to myself of hopes and dreams and to remember that life is to short to not dream and to not create all the beautiful things that I feel and love in my heart.

I will share a few drawings that I have created in the book a little at a time.

Here are a few of my pastel drawings these are all with scriptures…..

Rachael Rivera Art

This scripture says it all <3


This scripture is a promise of that God’s word prevails all.

Rachael Rivera Art

Another promise that if we stand firm in God’s word he will carry us through.


We are not alone, even when we feel like we are this is a promise to remember.

These were all inspired by the scriptures that were really speaking to my heart at the time. I hope you enjoy them.  I am not so much as a portrait type artist and I am untrained and just draw from the heart.

Friday, January 6, 2012

My Mixed Media Family Home Gift Art

I created this mixed media art piece for my Aunt Wanda for Christmas.  This is her home with my Uncle Al in Mississippi.  My kids and I go almost ever summer to visit, except last summer finances didn't really allow us to make it out there.  We often find ourselves looking at the pictures from her home and reflecting on the times that we shared with each other and family.  The home sits on almost 20 acres and its so inviting from this view.  This photo was taken by my husband Michael with his camera phone.

I created this on a canvas first I painted with browns, burgundy, maroon, a little green then I used Golden Glass Beads, and molding paste to build up the layers of color to lay under the beads.  I cut out lots of flowers, paisleys, leaves from several scrapbook paper companies.  I glued down all the flowers after decoupaging a photo printed out of my printer of the home.  I then decoupaged the whole piece twice.  I used my Big Shot to cut out the letters out of my neighbors Sizzix dies using chipboard.  Then I embossed the letters in gold.  I used the Michael's celebrations ribbon and the left flower is part of the recollections line from Michael's Arts and Crafts store.  I was not so pleased and ended up adding more maroon/ burgundy because it looked a little orange.  After it dried I added more of the Golden Glass Beads and I was pleased with the outcome.  I called her tonight because my Momma flew my Memaw (Grandmother) home to Mississippi to my Aunt Wanda's and she took the piece with her.  I asked her if she like like it and she told me "I LOVED IT" and asked me "Where did you learn how to do that?"  I told her that I have been looking at all kinds of mixed media art and wanted to create something not gaudy but nice that she could hang in her home that was inviting just as it feels to us when we go to visit.  I was proud that she really like it.  I also made one for my neighbors. My neighbor Debbie said she really like hers also.  She told me "you are creative" and I loved to hear those words of encouragement so much.  Sometimes I don't think that I am creative, but I know I feel creative!  :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Deciding to Blog

A couple of days ago, I clicked on this random little ad on the side of Face book.   That page then led me to another lady's page which had to do with recipes and her craft supplies being used by other people.  After reading a few of her blogs, I decided this is a great idea for me to be able to remember all the things that I often forget.  Great to post all the things that I love to create and write about them.  All the funny things that my kids do and that my fibromyalgia let's me forget.  Most of all, the ways that the Holy Spirit is able to teach me God's grace and mercy daily and how by him we are Set Free.

Today, I was busy with the kids most of the day.  Baseball this morning with my youngest, then took my friend Robin to pick up her car from a friends auto repair shop, took the youngest to get a haircut and then back home.  Picked up my darling daughter to get a haircut she has been bugging for a while to get bangs again which did look good when she felt like learning to style her bangs around her calic (spelling), first we tried the local Fantastic sam's until the girl working kept telling everyone that came in or was waiting it would be 20 minutes then decided to go to the place a few doors down Hair Elegance.  This place seems nice all different kinds of stylists with all different kinds of their own looks.  Her hair came out great and she was happy all and all it was a good day.  The low part is my husband being in such pain from his hernia surgery and just not his happy self at all.