Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Special Delivery to add to my Ephemera collection



Tonight my best friend Robin came by the house and brought me this bag of samples that she is done with. She is a gift sales rep. This bag has decorative paper plates, trays and beautiful napkins which as you can see in the picture below there are flowers, birds, hearts, dinosaurs, and much more.   I am so excited to start cropping them up pasting them onto some canvas!  I saw a great idea on Pinterest.com that showed copper pipes with art work and epoxy made into pendants which really sparked my interest in exploring new mediums.  I have three drawers in an antiques chest of drawers that Robin gave me of greeting cards, so I really am excited to get busy hopefully once I get done with tax season I can focus on playing with all my stuff.  I should be done within the week and ready to see the the CPA and get the personal and corporations taxes done.


1 comment:

  1. great goodies...I am having a giveaway on my blog, check it out here...

    have a super day!

    enjoy *~*
