Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Mixed Media Art Journal

I decided to create this journal after being inspired to follow my dreams and to create.  I used my Cricut to create most of the front cover other than a few things that I did draw. There is glitter, hearts, birds, butterflies,stars, and words to inspire me to continue.

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Inside I wrote a note to myself of hopes and dreams and to remember that life is to short to not dream and to not create all the beautiful things that I feel and love in my heart.

I will share a few drawings that I have created in the book a little at a time.

Here are a few of my pastel drawings these are all with scriptures…..

Rachael Rivera Art

This scripture says it all <3


This scripture is a promise of that God’s word prevails all.

Rachael Rivera Art

Another promise that if we stand firm in God’s word he will carry us through.


We are not alone, even when we feel like we are this is a promise to remember.

These were all inspired by the scriptures that were really speaking to my heart at the time. I hope you enjoy them.  I am not so much as a portrait type artist and I am untrained and just draw from the heart.

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